Sweet Dreams
Regular activation of Sweet Dreams will improve your sleep – and when I sat down to install this Source Program into the BWE carrier I thought that was all it was created to do…
I was wrong
Quite a few years ago I felt an impulse to turn the television on and when I followed the impulse what I discovered was Oprah Winfrey talking to me from the screen.
She was talking about being in a Home Economics class in High School, looking out the window, and telling her friends that when she grew up she wanted to be able to look outside her kitchen window and see a tree.
She then went on to report that now, when she looks out the window of one of her kitchens she sees acres of trees.
Her next statement was something I will never forget, she said…
“I am so glad I decided to live in God’s Dream for me instead of my own.”
Regular activation of Sweet Dreams, by listening to the audio and by repeating the activation code “Sweet Dreams” throughout the day will ease you into “God’s Dream for You.”